Most systems have an app so you may view your cameras from your phone. You may also attach a monitor to your NVR. Some fees may apply to the phone apps.
Can anybody else see my cameras?
This depends. We at Leading Edge have remote access for troubleshooting purposes. You are free to revoke this access at any time. A system without remote access may have higher troubleshooting fees for a full service call. Please call with any questions or concerns if you would prefer further clarification.
Security System FAQ
Are wireless security systems better?
Both wired and wireless systems have their benefits, but in general, for system stability and reliability, we recommend wired systems. We are happy to install wireless systems at the customer's request.
Can I monitor my security system with my phone?
Yes! However, keep in mind this is not the same "monitoring" as offsite alarm monitoring.
Do I have to pay for offsite monitoring for my system to work?
No. You will still receive notifications of an alarm through the app, if you have set it up. Note: This is not the same as an app fee certain systems charge.
Do I have to have cameras if I don't like them recording me?
No! We install camera-less smart locks, motion detectors (which do not record), contact sensors, and glassbreak sensors, among others. You do not have to get cameras to secure your property.
Access Control FAQ
What is Access Control?
Access Control is anything that limits entry/access to an area, or provides verification that someone is allowed through. This can include, but is not limited to; keypads, card readers, intercoms, smartkeys, garage door tags, and gate tags.
Monitoring Plans FAQ
Do I have to subscribe to a monitoring plan?
No! We offer self-monitoring options.
How do I pay for my monitoring plan in the future?
We offer ACH and credit card payments for all varieties of our monitoring plans.
I have a monitoring plan through another company, but want to switch to Leading Edge. How do I do that?
Give us a call and we can help you get that plan switched. Any possible reimbursement or proration from the other company must be discussed with them.
Maintenance Plan FAQ
What is a maintenance plan?
The Leading Edge Maintenance Plan is a pack of 3 maintenance visits over the course of the year. This can include everything from troubleshooting to cleaning. The first hour of each visit is covered under the plan.
Do unused maintenance visits roll over into the new year?
No. Unused maintenance visits expire 1 year from the purchase date of the plan, and 3 new visits are added upon renewal. Call to schedule yours today!